2025 A New Year For Grizld

Yes, we know it's a new year for everyone else too. But for us, 2025 is a year that is going to bring a number of changes to the Grizld brand. We have been creating content on our website and YouTube for three full years now, and have learned enough to analyze what is working and what isn't. As Grizld wouldn't exist without you, we wanted to share some of the changes and improvements we have in mind for the coming year. 

First off, we are dedicating ourselves to creating more content. This will encompass both YouTube videos and articles on our website. We already have articles for the website planned out for most of the coming year,so keep an eye out. We also have a number of video series concepts that we think will really resonate with the Grizld audience on YouTube. These series will be recorded this year, with the goal of building a library of videos to release starting in 2026. On top of these planned series, we will be working diligently to provide new videos throught this year, meaning we'll be recording a LOT more footage overall. 

Second, even though it is pretty much the case already, the YouTube channel is going to officially shift focus to fishing related content. In order to reach more people via that platform, you actually have to NARROW your focus. While this may seem counterintuitive, the way YouTube recommends videos to people requires specificity in order to be shown to what YouTube considers the "correct" audience. Having hunting, foraging, and cooking content along with the fishing stuff, makes it harder for the system to know who would be interested in your videos, and therefore doesn't show them to anybody. As fishing content is the easiest to get regularly, it only makes sense to put it at the forefront. We will still do the occasional seasonal video that focuses on hunting or foraging or anything else we think may be worth doing, but cooking content will be integrated into select videos as a "catch and cook" format. The website articles will still cover all topics that the Grizld community finds interesting. The recipes section on the website hasn't been updated in quite some time and we're still deciding if we have the ability to continue investing effort into that. 

We hope these changes will see Grizld growing and reaching more people as we progress through 2025 and we appreciate all of you that have joined this community. Thank you! We'll see you outdoors!


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