
Showing posts from March, 2022

The Interminable "March" Toward Spring

For a good part of the country, March is a frustratingly long transition period where it's generally just cold and wet enough to make most outdoor pursuits less than enjoyable. There's mud everywhere and odds are you're going to end up in it at some point if you're out long enough. But every now and then we're blessed with a day here or a couple there where the rain/snow abates, the wind dies down, and we can fully enjoy our time outdoors.  It's during these rare days that you can often find me hitting one of the creeks or rivers that are so numerous in west Michigan. Most folks are probably thinking I'm excited to get out and target steelhead, as many of my fellow Michiganders are doing. But that's not my style. You see, deep down, I'm just a rough and ragged country boy, and early spring fishing for me means sucker.  Yes, you read that correctly. Sucker. The ugly, big lipped, bony fleshed, bottom feeding, trash fish. At least that's how they ar...

For What It's Worth...Thoughts on Matt Rinella's Campaign Against Social Media

     I recently listened to the MeatEater podcast episode that highlighted the debate and disagreement between Matt and his brother Steve. I know I'm a fair bit late to the discussion on this, but the debate sparked by Matt Rinnela concerning social media's place in the hunting community should be talked about as much as possible. I'm also well aware that I'm no subject matter expert. I'm just a guy that has been hunting for nearly 30 years, has a deep appreciation for the outdoors lifestyle, and is trying to bring common sense to this debate.       With Steve having such a visible presence, and large following, in the hunting community, this was a massive stage for Matt to present his arguments. For those of you that are not familiar with Matt's position, I will attempt to summarize it here.      Matt is concerned with the overcrowding in regards to public land hunting. He feels that social media has drawn higher numbers of people into ...